
Print Work

Bridal Magazine flyer – Pitcher Ministries

Designed for a freelance client who needed to have an insert in a bridal magazine for their services.

How to Read your invoice – Champion Energy

We redesigned the bill that was sent to customers every month. With the new bill design, we mailed this insert to help identify where specific information was.

Magazine Flyer – Champion Energy

Every year we designed a flyer for a magazine to show Champion’s relationship with the Houston Astros. This was one of the designs submitted.

Insanity vs. Insight – Pitcher Ministries

This was designed for a freelance client who was creating a new class for their students. They wanted to showcase these three men and their quotes while having a logo that stood out for the event.

Car buyback Letter – NLM

This was a direct mail that I designed for a template set (had a matching email). When it folded, the gold coins would be over the line to help potential customers want to open the letter.

Presidents’ Day Postcard – NLM

This was a direct mail I created that was made for a template set (had matching emails). This design had George Washington, Abe Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson and Teddy Roosevelt on it with each one having something to do with something they were known for. Each template piece would emphasize a different President.

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